Sixth Form Results and Performance

Ready to join RGTS Sixth Form?

Results and Performance

We have a proven track record of strong results at sixth form level across the suite of Level 3 BTEC qualifications we offer. In 2022, 78% of our students achieved Distinction or Distinction*, and 87% of our cohort progressed to university, with the remainder acquiring places on prestigious apprenticeships or entering employment.

Results Day Stories

Results Day Stories. ​​​​​​​ Rhyen. D*D*D* in Engineering Moving on to study Mechanical...

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Royal Greenwich Trust School Celebrates Record Breaking Results

Our Year 13 students are celebrating outstanding results, with a record breaking number achieving...

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Year 13 Exam Results August 2022

Royal Greenwich Trust School Celebrates Record Breaking Results. Royal Greenwich Trust School’s...

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Sixth Form Results 2021

Sixth Form Results 2021. Royal Greenwich Trust School is delighted to celebrate achievements by its...

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Year 13 Success at RGTS as 75% of Students Prepare Themselves for Life at University

Year 13 Success at RGTS as 75% of Students Prepare Themselves for Life at University. In...

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2019 Ofsted Report

These are excerpts from our 2019 Ofsted report, which judged our Sixth provision as good.

16 to 19 study programmes: Good

"Leaders have established a sixth form that provides a good quality of education."

Strong transition programme

"Leaders have established strong transition procedures that ensure that students integrate quickly and feel part of the school community. Leaders have designed an appropriate curriculum. They go to great lengths to understand what students want to study, and what they need. As a result, students study appropriate qualifications that match their career ambitions."

Quality of teaching & learning  

"The quality of teaching, learning and assessment in the sixth form is typically good. Students achieve well across a range of subjects, including BTEC National Diploma engineering and AS-level English and mathematics."

"Teachers ask probing questions that ignite students’ curiosity and deepen their knowledge and understanding."

Student progress & feedback

"Leaders closely monitor students’ progress, which is recorded and reported termly. Teachers use this information to help them plan effectively."

"Students receive regular feedback from teachers, and this helps them to improve their learning. Inspectors noted that students were confident about what they need to do in lessons and at home to improve their work."

Student support  

"Students are provided with a range of appropriate support, advice and guidance. Leaders are quick to intervene when students experience any personal difficulties. They provide high-quality careers advice and support for students applying to university. Almost all students who completed their courses in 2018 graduated to higher education, employment, training or apprenticeships."

Wider opportunities  

"Students benefit from the range of activities provided to broaden their study programmes. Students may apply for the role of student ambassador, which involves them taking on leadership responsibilities. There are also opportunities for peer mentoring and to help younger pupils through a literacy support programme."

Compare our Performance

The Department for Education (DfE) provides a breakdown of our exams and performance data compared to other schools nationally.

The DfE last published National Performance tables for 2018/19 before the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Due to Covid, the Government has announced that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020 or 2021.