Vision and Ethos

Vision and Values

Royal Greenwich Trust school are united with other schools in the University Schools Trust to have a common vision and mission.

Our vision is to provide transformational educational opportunities for all children. Through a broad and balanced curriculum, a wide range of enriching learning experiences and a tailored approach to supporting the individual student, our students will leave school as young adults who are responsible global citizens who have a clear vision for their futures.

Our mission is for all students at the Royal Greenwich Trust School to have excellent outcomes, we deliver the highest quality of teaching and learning by working collaboratively with universities, public bodies and private sector partnerships.

Our students are guided by four key values: 

  • Responsibility - taking ownership of their education and their future careers, acting with integrity and maximising their effort in all areas of school life. 
  • Grit - being relentless in the pursuit of excellence, persevering through new challenges and developing the skills and confidence to make well-informed decisions. 
  • Teamwork - building strong relationships, supporting others and making a positive contribution to the local and wider community. 
  • Success - achieving to the best of their ability both academically and personally, being recognised for their contributions and gaining a sense of enjoyment in being part of the RGTS learning community

By demonstrating these values in their everyday life, students at RGTS are set up for Learning Today and Leading Tomorrow.