Staff Benefits & Wellbeing

Royal Greenwich Trust School is committed to ensuring that staff are supported and that their wellbeing is considered at school. To that end, strategies to support staff are grouped into four broad areas:

  • Clarity in Systems and Processes – this ensures that staff are given clear direction and that time can be managed effectively
  • Collaborative Working Culture – this ensures that staff are able to access peer to peer support and work together to minimise personal workload
  • Recognition and Reward – this ensures that staff feel valued for their contributions to the school and that staff are encouraged to go the extra mile
  • Meaningful Workload – this ensures that decisions are mindful or staff workload and efficient working practice

Clarity in Systems and Processes

Clear policies to ensure clarity for all staff

Teaching and Learning Handbook that focuses on core principles of teaching

Weekly Teaching and Learning Briefings

Weekly staff bulletin with upcoming deadlines and key information

Whole school calendar with events and deadlines mapped out

Centralised line management framework for teachers and middle leaders

Clarity in use of templates to support lesson planning, learning walks and book reviews

Collaborative Working Culture

Designated staff workroom

CPL library with opportunities for staff to recommend books for staff to read

Centralised resources for departments

School to school partnerships across the UST and other partner schools

Peer observation programme

Open door culture and access to senior team

Staff consultation on big decisions affecting school life  

High profile SLT presence around school and SLT-led ‘on call’ system.

Recognition and Reward

Opportunities for internal promotion and career development

Inner London Pay Scale for teaching staff

Weekly recognition for best teaching practice

Weekly thank you’s for going ‘above and beyond’ for staff

Access to staff gym

Free staff breakfast

Free tea and coffee

Paid emergency days and compassionate leave

Employee Assistance Programme

Meaningful Workload

Purposeful approach to marking and feedback

Ungraded lesson observations

Coaching model for lesson feedback

Recommended times for email communication and protocol around use

Maximum of 3 data drops per year group for staff in line with Department of Education guidance

Employee Assistance Programme

RGTS staff have access to an employee assistance programme, provided by Health Assured. Benefits include a confidential 24 hour helpline to provide support through any of life's issues or problems.

The helpline can be contacted on 0800 030 5182. You can also download the Health e-Hub app from the App Store and Google Play.

Please contact HR for the appropriate log in details.

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