
Here at RGTS, we encourage every student to read a broad range of books in order to foster a lifelong love of reading for pleasure. We know that research shows that students who engage in reading for pleasure, outside of the classroom, are more likely to achieve better outcomes academically, have a better understanding of art and culture and the world around them and are more balanced in their own mental health and wellbeing.

Subject Wider Reading Maps

Here at RGTS we aim to shape individuals who will learn for themselves and read for pleasure. The wide-ranging life skills students gain from books of all types can never be underestimated. Reading for pleasure – both fiction and non-fiction – is important as it has a positive effect on broadening vocabulary, understanding and engagement across all subject areas.

We encourage all our students to engage with texts outside the classroom and read beyond the texts covered in the curriculum. Wider reading beyond the curriculum reinforces concepts taught in the classroom, forms ties to everyday life and exposes students to multiple genres that provides further information to develop their learning and understanding.

At RGTS, alongside our curriculum booklets and the RGTS canons for both KS3 and KS4, we have developed a wider reading map for English and Humanities subjects with the view to adding in all subjects by the end of the academic year. Each wider reading map outlines further complementing texts, materials and articles to the curriculum offer to broaden and deepen student understanding.

Listed below you will find recommended wider reading texts, materials and resources relevant to indicated subject areas. They are presented through the Wakelet format for smooth navigation.

The School Library

Our library stocks a wide range of books that students can read for pleasure: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, anthologies, classical literature and texts from notable BAME authors and local writers.

Students are allowed to borrow 2 books from the library at one time.  Books can be loaned for 2 weeks and may be renewed if they are still required.  Students must be responsible and take good care of the books that they borrow.  In the event that any books are lost or damaged, they will be expected to pay for the loss or damage.

Ms Gooden, our Librarian, will be on hand to give advice and recommendations, so please ask.  We are also happy to receive suggestions for new books that students may like to see added to our stock.

Due to current social distancing measures, we have created a new timetable of library opening times:












Y12 & Y13






Y12 & Y13






Y12 & Y13

After school





Y12 & Y13

The RGTS Canon

As a school, we have our own, personalised RGTS Literary Canon. The term ‘RGTS Literary Canon’ is used to classify a group of literary works that are considered important from a certain time or place; the term being derived from the Greek word kaἦon, meaning measuring rod or standard.

The Canon has been compiled to be representative of the diverse culture, history and language of today’s society. We have thoughtfully integrated a range of literature into the Canon to enable students to internalise diverse issues in the texts they self-select. We have included literature beyond the ‘classics’ to enrich students’ literary experiences, so they can recognise their own communities in texts they read and engage in worlds very different from their own. By having more diverse options, students can self-select with ease, which will increase engagement and motivate them to engage in a variety of texts.

The RGTS Literary Canon consists of over 100 texts: 50 for Key Stage 3 and 63 for Key Stages 4-5. There are two or more copies of each text available in the school library and further copies are available in Greenwich Borough libraries. Students are expected to read them individually at home, or when they have free time, for a minimum of thirty minutes each day.

Reading for Pleasure

Royal Greenwich Trust School is a reading school; we promote reading for pleasure and books are celebrated and promoted every day as we firmly believe in the power of books and reading to broaden horizons and engage the imagination.

Children who read frequently are more likely to read above the expected level for their age – yet many children do not own a book of their own or have not had the opportunity to personally select one, which impacts their reading skills, enjoyment and wellbeing. 

Every year, as part of our commitment to embed a culture of reading in our school and to get our students excited about reading, we take part in a national reading programme, Bookbuzz. Bookbuzz is a reading programme from BookTrust for our year 7 and 8 students where all students are given the opportunity to choose their own book to take home and keep from a list of 17 titles carefully selected to encourage reading for pleasure. This encourages our students to be self-reliant readers; able to select a book, sustain their concentration as well as appreciating reading as an activity which is not just focussed on their subject-specific learning. Through tutor time reading, students are kick-starting their positive reading habits alongside their peers and their tutor and in turn improving their literacy and well-being.

Students are able to attend the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) at break time, lunch time and after school to select books to read for pleasure. This improves their reading skills and their well-being.

At RGTS, students are also given opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills by taking part in activities where we celebrate books and authors linked to national events such as Black History Month, International Women’s Day and World Book Day.

Literacy and Feedback

A key part of the feedback policy at RGTS is directed toward vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar.  When written feedback is given to students, it is given as ‘next steps’ for students to improve and this will include feedback on literacy using literacy codes which are used across all departments.  Students will be expected to respond to all written feedback in their exercise books.  Teachers will use literacy codes to help students own their learning and make corrections in red pen.  Teachers will also give low-stakes tests on common spelling errors and key word vocabulary quizzes across all subject areas.

The codes are as follows:

Code & Meaning

Student Response


New paragraph needed



Spelling Error

Write the correct spelling in your margin


Capital Letter Error

Correct the letter above the word


Punctuation Error

Add, remove or replace the punctuation mark with the correct one


Grammar Error

Correct the mistake (ask the teacher if unsure) and use Standard English


Vocabulary too simple

Use a synonym or more technical subject language


Meaning/handwriting is unclear

Rewrite the sentence so that it is legible and clear

Royal Borough of Greenwich Library Membership

Reading is important to succeed in life; therefore, we support all our learners to become a Greenwich library member. Members have access to a wide range of books, audio-visual materials, computers, printing, Wi-Fi and other services like the Summer reading challenges and Reading Ahead free of charge, seven days a week.

35 Wellington Street, London, SE18 6HQ

Enquiries 020 8921 5750 or Children’s Library 020 8921 5748.

We believe reading great literature opens students to ideas, experiences, and places they might never otherwise experience in real life.