Sixth Form Curriculum

Ready to join RGTS Sixth Form?

For the academic year starting September 2021, we are offering a specialist provision capitalising on the extensive facilities we have on offer. This includes, as part of our multi-million pound extension a dedicated sixth form space including enough study space and breakout areas for students to work independently.

From September we will offer specialist Level 3 BTEC courses across 3 areas. These are demanding courses, equivalent in their own right to 3 A levels and are vocationally based. All are staffed by well-qualified specialist, passionate staff who are there to help you succeed in your chosen field.

Whether you want to make it in your own business or excel in the field of engineering then our Sixth form can offer you Level 3 BTECs across these areas:

All students study these for 2 years and can therefore have access to university with these diplomas.

What are the entry requirements?

Students need 4 GCSE or equivalent qualifications. You do not need to have studied the specialist subject you want to study in the sixth form before.

You will need to have predicted grades of 4 GCSE (or equivalent qualifications) with a minimum of a grade 4 (including GCSE Maths grade 4 and GCSE English Language grade 4). There will be an opportunity for L2 retake in English or maths for suitable applicants. Please make sure you indicate this on your application form and discuss this when you are invited for interview.

Course Overview

The BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diplomas comprise 13 – 15 units, of which 7 – 9 units are mandatory and the remaining units are optional. The optional units have been pre-selected by the subject leaders to ensure a broad and varied curriculum and topics which are desirable to universities and employers. 3 – 4 of the mandatory units are external exams.

What do the courses consist of?

Students will be taught the course content through blended learning and practical tasks. Students will be able to use our many new computer rooms and study rooms to work independently on their coursework tasks throughout the week.

What benefits are there to studying BTECs?

Students will be taught the course content through blended learning and practical tasks. Students will be able to use our many new computer rooms and study rooms to work independently on their coursework tasks throughout the week.

Complimentary parts of the KS5 curriculum offer

Character Development

All students attend a 50 minute lesson of our Character Development programme each week, in line with the whole school pastoral programme. This examines a key theme each week and in tutor time, students will explore this through key questions for the week.

Pastoral care

The assembly and tutor programme across the Sixth Form in scheduled for 20 minutes per day, with a total of 100 minutes per week.

Independent (private) study

In addition to the qualification hours calculations above, students have 11 supervised private study periods.

Key Stage 5 Programme of study

Sixth Form students’ programme study is based around the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma award.

Qualification hours

On the BTEC Level 3 Programme of Study there are nine double-lessons scheduled each week, with a total duration of 900 minutes.

Exemplar Programme of Study Hours Calculations

The school calendar designates that students should attend for 190 school days in each academic year, equivalent to 38 weeks of 5 days’ full-time study.

As exams typically take time to administer throughout the course of the year, the number of weeks students are in lessons is stated as 36 (i.e. 2 weeks fewer than total attendance).

Typical Qualification Hours for a BTEC Level 3 student

BTEC Subject - 900 mins / wk = 15 hrs / wk x 36 wks/year = 540 hours / year

Total = 540 hours / year

Typical Non-Qualification Hours for a BTEC Level 3 student

Character Development - 50 mins / wk x 36 wks/year = 30 hours / year

Tutor/Assembly - 100 mins / wk x 36 wks/year = 60 hours / year

Private Study - 250 mins / wk x 36 wks/year = 150 hours / year

Total = 240 hours / year

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