
At RGTS, we recognise the importance that parents and carers can have on their child’s progress through supporting them with their learning at home. Our students are set homework in all subjects and a homework timetable is established to ensure clarity for our students. As a guide, we expect students to engage in one hour of independent study each day after school. This can be through formally set homework, further reading and research or through revision and consolidation of existing work that the students have completed.

Our teachers plan homework tasks based on the principle that students should continue to work on their retrieval of knowledge outside the classroom and practice the skills that they are developing in their lessons. With that in mind, each key stage is given a guided amount of independent learning time each week:

  •     Key Stage 3: 30 minutes per week per subject
  •     Key Stage 4: 1 hour per week per subject
  •     Key Stage 5: 8 hours per week per subject


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