Welcome to our Sixth Form

Ready to join RGTS Sixth Form?

Sixth Form Taster Day Event - Book Now

Now is your chance to come and enjoy your own incredible Sixth Form experience. You will have the chance to take part in taster sessions with your teachers and current students. This is the best way to immerse yourself in what your successful future could look like at RGTS Sixth Form.

Places are limited to please book now to avoid disappointment.


At the Royal Greenwich Trust School Sixth form we provide transformational education opportunities to support the growth and development of young people. Our students leave school as young adults who are professional, responsible global citizens who have a clear vision for their futures.

You can find out more about applying on our Admissions page, or start the process by visiting our admissions portal.

We specialise in two Level 3 BTEC extended diploma qualifications:

These BTEC courses are highly specialist, demanding courses and equate to 18 periods of study per week, and:

  • Are equivalent to 3 A levels
  • Provide access to University, apprenticeship or employment  

All are staffed by well-qualified specialist, passionate staff who are there to help you succeed in your chosen field.

Whether you want to make it in your own business or excel in the field of engineering then our Sixth form can offer you Level 3 BTECs in these areas.

Core Values

We expect our sixth form students to take a full part in school life and strive to achieve our 4 core values:

  • Responsibility - taking ownership of their education and their future careers, acting with integrity and maximising their effort in all areas of school life.
  • Grit - being relentless in the pursuit of excellence, persevering through new challenges and developing the skills and confidence to make well-informed decisions.
  • Teamwork - building strong relationships, supporting others and making a positive contribution to the local and wider community.
  • Success - achieving to the best of their ability both academically and personally, being recognised for their contributions and gaining a sense of enjoyment in being part of the RGTS learning community

By demonstrating these values in their everyday life, sixth form students are set up to achieve our mission of ‘Learning Today and Leading Tomorrow’.


We have a proven track record of strong results at sixth form level across the suite of Level 3 BTEC qualifications we offer. In 2022, 78% of our students achieved Distinction or Distinction*, and 87% of our cohort progressed to university, with the remainder acquiring places on prestigious apprenticeships or entering employment.


Extensive new facilities

We have dedicated facilities for engineering and business & finance.

This includes, as part of our multi-million pound extension in the ‘Whatford Wing’, a dedicated sixth form space including enough study space and breakout areas for students to work independently.

University Partnerships

We are ambitious for our students to be prepared for the next stage of their life, and to have the capacity to succeed as a responsible global citizens. As a school we are unique in our network of university partners which include Queen Mary (University of London), University of Warwick, University of Greenwich, King's College London, University College London and the University of East London. This rich partnership enables us to draw on a diverse range of opportunities including experiencing university life, mentoring, visiting speakers and work experience to equip our students fully for the next part of their educational journey.

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Specialising and Support

Our curriculum model allows students to specialise in a particular area, much like at University and our students enjoy being immersed in their subject. They also appreciate being taught by staff who are passionate about helping them, and are specialists in their chosen fields.

UCAS and CV Preparation

After Year 13, our students move on to university courses, apprenticeships, further education or into employment. They are prepared for this through our rigorous UCAS preparation programme, and specialist tutor support.  Our range of extra-curricular opportunities through our business and community links provides unique experiences to contribute to personal statements, CVs and building up students’ tapestry of experiences.

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