Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (PP), is a sum of money allocated to schools to provide additional support to students who are (or have been at some point in their schooling) entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) or who may face other significant challenges in their lives which act as a barrier to their learning. Nationally, there is a gap between the performance of students entitled to FSM and other students.

The Pupil Premium Funding that RGTS received in the academic year 18/19 is £118,900.83.

In 2016, 30% of our Year 11 cohort were classed as PP students and their Progress 8 score for was +0.11 (all students +0.42)

All students in the Year 11 cohort have progressed to further education or training, which shows that pupil premium spending has been well targeted and has helped the achievement of this group of students.

We will continue to provide support for all our students identified as vulnerable in a variety of ways to ensure that that they meet their targets. Our aim is to further reduce the differences between the achievement and progress of disadvantaged students against all students.

If you feel that your child may be eligible for FSM support but is not currently receiving it, please look at the eligibility information on the school website or contact the school office.

It is quick and easy to check and it means that the school receives the correct funding. If your child currently receives or used to receive, FSM support and you feel that there is something specific that would further enhance their learning, please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.

 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24