Sixth Form Careers Education & Guidance

Ready to join RGTS Sixth Form?

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Provision

The aim of our CEIAG programme is to provide all students with a range of opportunities to develop in this area, within and beyond the curriculum, and to ensure that staff, governors, families and the wider community are involved in securing high aspirations for each and every student. CEIAG is an integral element of the curriculum, and we strive to embed good Careers learning and employability preparation through a programme of Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education supported by impartial and independent careers information, advice and guidance.

Gatsby Benchmarks

We ensure that our provision meets the requirements of the revised DfE Statutory Guidance ‘Careers Guidance and that we incorporate principles of the Gatsby benchmarks to guide our policy and practice. The eight benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

CEIAG at Key Stage 5

All students are offered a planned programme of impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to inspire every student whatever their background, gender, ethnic origin or ability throughout our pastoral and tutor programme in Year 12 & 13:

We offer a planned programme of impartial careers information, advice and guidance offering a full range of post-16 education, training and employment opportunities

  • Access to a qualified impartial and independent careers adviser
  • Help to recognise your likes, dislikes, influences, strengths and preferences in relation to career decisions through the Year 12 Career Development Programme (CDP)
  • Information about the world of work, business operations and ethics and how the labour market is changing
  • Information about Higher Education, training, apprenticeships and employment
  • Activities which challenge stereotyping and raise your aspirations
  • Activities to develop skills and qualities to improve your employability
  • Support to prepare you for different transitions and the world of work
  • Help to develop personal budgeting skills and knowledge of financial aspects affecting everyday living, further study, HE, training and work
  • Help to develop and strengthen your personal presentation skills for selection processes
  • Sign posting to relevant up-to-date and impartial sources of careers information and advice (via, tutor time, notice boards, events and email)
  • Weekly access to a Personal Tutor
  • Activities to understand the impact of how the world of work is changing and implications for your own career planning
  • Opportunities to investigate career pathways and university requirements to develop knowledge of post-18 options
  • Support to make decisions about your future, discuss your plans at a careers interview if you wish and set targets in an action plan
  • Opportunities to develop a C.V. and other strategies to improve your success in selection  processes
  • Advice and support on gaining work experience
  • Work experience arranged for you if studying a BTEC programme
  • Opportunities to develop and apply enterprise and employability skills in your approach to learning, work and career planning
  • A number of students every year will be chosen to be Student Ambassadors who represent the school at various functions and events throughout the academic year. They form the Student Leadership team and are role models for the rest of the school.

Progression Routes

Below you will find a range of links to support a variety of progression routes for all students:

Applying to University

The UCAS programme begins in Year 12 when students are introduced to UCAS and they students begin to research potential University courses and attend University Open Days.

From the beginning of Year 12, students will be starting the UCAS process. This means they will be guided through the process from starting to search for university courses, collating information that they will need for their applications through to application.

In Year 13, a Parents’ Information Evening for students wishing to apply to University will be held in the first few weeks of Year 13. A booklet will also be issued to each student, informing them of the deadlines and how to write their personal statement. This will align with our dedicated support programme in school which will help students to craft the best application and personal statement.


Useful Links

Below is a series of useful online resources to support students that are interested in progressing onto apprenticeships and school leavers’ programmes.