What Ofsted Say

It is with great pleasure that I can announce that Royal Greenwich Trust School has been graded Good by Ofsted for its overall effectiveness, as well as for every category that they evaluated, namely;

  • Quality of Education
  • Behaviour and Attitudes
  • Personal Development
  • Sixth-form Provision and
  • Leadership and Management

It was evident to inspectors what incredible progress the school has made with the report noting that:

"Pupils and staff alike spoke about the noticeable improvements in the school, including to the curriculum and behaviour."

This Good judgement reflects the hard work and dedication of many people associated with the RGTS learning community since its last full inspection in January 2019 and following the monitoring visit in July 2021. It was particularly pleasing that the Ofsted team recognised the significant improvements across the school despite the considerable challenges faced in doing so during the pandemic.

Ofsted Report - October 2022

I have selected a few highlights from the report which I believe showcase the school’s strengths and where inspectors commented favourably:

Quality of Education:

"Leaders have ensured that ambitious curriculum thinking is in place for all year groups."

Behaviour and Attitudes:

"Behaviour is typically good and well managed. This ensures that pupils feel safe and are kept safe."
"Pupils are expected to work hard and focus on their learning."

Personal Development:

"Pupils enjoy their ‘character development’ lessons where they can debate and discuss important issues."
"Pupils, including those in the sixth form, receive valuable advice and guidance about careers and options for their next stage of education, employment or training."

Sixth Form Provision:

"In the sixth form, students demonstrate consistently positive behaviour and attitudes towards their learning."

Leadership and Management:

"Leaders are ambitious for pupils."
"Trustees, governors and school leaders take clear and decisive action to bring about improvement."

This report represents a significant milestone in the RGTS story since becoming a secondary school in 2017. For those wishing to find out more. I would urge you to take the time to read the report in full and familiarise yourself with Ofsted’s findings.

In the meantime, I would like to leave you with a final quote which I believe encapsulates the ethos of our learning community:

"Pupils at Royal Greenwich Trust School enjoy positive and purposeful working relationships with their teachers and other staff."

Caroline Toye

Parent View

Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your the school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.

They will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.

View the Parent View results for Royal Greenwich Trust School.