Year 9 Pathways

In Term 3 and 4 (January – March), students in Year 9 will be making their choices for their programme of study in Key Stage 4.

The choice of what to study in Key Stage 4 is an important choice to make and can have wider impact on a child’s post 16 and post 18 destinations in terms of their choice of further and higher education, employment and training.

Students will be given a wide range of opportunities to support them with this decision in school and they will be encouraged to speak to their form tutors and class teachers to ensure that they are given appropriate information and guidance to make the right choice for them.

We recognise that this process is an important milestone for our students and we encourage parents and carers to engage in conversations at home about your child’s future career aspirations and pathway. To support these conversations, please do engage with these external resources and tools with your child.